About us

We are a non-profit on a mission to promote and advance entrepreneurship by putting community at the center of our activities.

We take the saying „it takes a village to raise a child“ literally in order to contribute to a healthy, successful, and vivid start-up scene. We believe in the magic of a reciprocally supporting community. Giving and taking should always be in balance, which is why we put our community of successful startup founders, industry experts, and investors at the center of our activities. Our community helps guide early-stage business concepts to get ready for seed-stage investment and we help them to raise funds via a syndicate.

Startup Portfolio

Who we are

Ben Graziano

  • Head trainer, STARTUP CAMPUS
  • Innosuisse Coach

Richard Bläse

  • Lead, STARTUP CAMPUS Business Creation and Business Growth Courses
  • Associate, Center for Entrepreneurship (ZHAW)

Matthias Filser

  • Head, Center for Entrepreneurship (ZHAW)

Regula Buob

  • Co-Founder and CEO Leadership Lighthouse
  • Collaboration Partner Founders Hive

Anna-Leena Marti

  • Co-Founder and COO Leadership Lighthouse
  • Collaboration Partner Founders Hive

Silvan Krähenbühl

  • Managing Director, Swisspreneur


Marketing with Founders Hive

If you’re looking to reach the Swiss entrepreneurial community, our audience couldn’t be more relevant. If you’d like to introduce your brand to our community, we have multiple options including our website, mobile, and social media channels.